This is an email Dennis sent out about three weeks after he was initially diagnosed.
Hey All-
I just wanted to get back to all those that have called and emailed. I'm sorry that I just can't call everybody personally and thank them for their support. Believe me... the support has been unbelievable. I get every package, email and every voice mail and I appreciate every one. Please don't think that I'm ignoring anyone.
All in all it's been a huge shock and a bit scary, but I'm feeling really good right know. I'm still dealing with a small amount of discomfort from the surgery, but I'm over the chemo sickness. Only 5 more wonderful rounds to go.
Anyway, I want to make this short and sweet. Everyone know this...I've got this one. Don't for one minute feel sorry for me. There's nothing D. Rich can't handle. I'm gonna punch this sucka right in the mouth. You watch. We're gonna have a huge "Cancer Free" party in about 7 months.
I love everyone and I'll see you all very soon. Thanks again for the support.
...and he won that battle and had that Cancer Free party, just like he knew he would.
Love you Den!
When I read this e-mail I can picture Dennis himself saying this. Dennis might not be here with me but like he says in the e-mail. I've got this one and there's nothing D.Rich can't handle. He was so right. Dennis handled his over 2 yr. battle with cancer and his last few weeks in the hospital with such strength and composure. We all knew how tough Dennis was but his mental toughness was even stronger. I will never forget the last few days in the hospital. The doctor's and all of us and Dennis were all discussing his treatment options. Things were not looking to good but Dennis wanted to continue to do chemotherapy. He wrote, I have 1 choice my kids and if I go, I'm going out swinging. That he did. No one fought harder than Dennis. I miss you so much, Love, Jodi oxox
I remember getting this email, I am glad that someone kept it. I really thought, even that last week in the hospital that he would pull through. I think that is what makes it so hard now. I never thought anything could get him. He was so strong, I saw him the day before he went and he still looked handsome and strong and healthy. You would never know this was a man with cancer throughout his body. We have talked about what we would have done if we had been in his shoes and honestly I don't think I would have had the strength he had. He fought for his girls as long as he could. I remember seeing him see his girls at the hospital and pointing to his heart because they had it. Mia came to see him one day and Mia yelled "Daddy" when she saw him. She saw right through the tubes and everything else and just saw her Daddy. It was so hard to watch but, I am happy I was there.
I miss you so much Dennis. Everything makes me think of you. I can only imagine what Jodi and the girls days and nights are like and I am so sorry for them. We will make you proud. We will be a strong family and will miss you forever.
Mary, You are right those last few weeks/days he did seem like he was going to beat it. He was so strong and upbeat that he lit up the room, people and friends were lined up to see him. Hoping and waiting for a note!When I think back to those days there is so much I wish I had said but holding on to a positive outcome kept me from saying anything except that I loved him and would see him again!
I felt like he was going to get to go home and have more time, now I always tell people I Love them because you never know! Auntie Irene used to always tell me not to say goodbye but to say see you later it has some meaning to me but I thought that I should say goodbye incase I never get to say it again! The last time I was in his room he was sleeping and I said I love you softly to him and in unspoken words I said good bye until I see you again, I love all of you so much! But I never want to say good bye to anyone again so that's what Auntie Irene meant! Love,Auntie Paula
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